
3 techniques to reduce the likelihood of a freediving blackout. FreeDive Live Episode #37

3 techniques to reduce the likelihood of a freediving blackout. FreeDive Live Episode #37 3 techniques to reduce your likelihood of having a blackout, FreeDive Live Episode #37 with Ted Harty.

These are 3 techniques I teach every single one of my students.

Tune in to learn about hook breathing and two sneaky ways to get more oxygen into your brain.

Enjoy the show!

Are you taking the biggest breath possible before every dive?

Probably not because my students ALWAYS are amazed at how much more air they can take once I teach them my method.
You can learn it for FREE @

If you are interested in my other freediving courses I mentioned during the show here is a list of my most popular ones.

Breath Hold Secrets - Learn the secrets to increasing your breath-hold. Increasing your time underwater is one of the most important skills as a freediver.

In this course you will learn the same techniques I teach in my in-person freediving course, the difference is this course costs $39 instead of $800.

Use discount code FDL37 to lower price to $35. Code until Tuesday midnight(EST).

If you have not taken a freediving course and want to learn how to hold your breath longer this is a must-have.

Click the link to learn more

Without a doubt, the single best course I have created that will help any freediver improve thier performance is my 28-day Freediving Transformation program.

It provides the 5 most effective freediving training exercises you can do at home and gives you specific works to do over 28 days
You will receive a daily work out schedule over the 28 days as well as access to a private member-only Facebook group

The cost is $95 but by using code FDL37 you will get $15 off. The code is good until Tuesday at midnight(EST).

You can see it @

If you are struggling to clear your ears in the 15-40ft range check out my equalizing course. I've fixed over 500 students with the exact same problem.

You can see the program @

Dive safe out there it's not even that hard, learn how @

Ted Harty - your trusted online freediving resource.

freediving,freediving blackout,hook breathing,recovery breaths,PFI,freediving training,Freediving tricks,freediving tips,how to hold your breath,Freediving classes,ted harty,immersion freediving,freediving safety,

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