
Dark Souls 3: Keeping an Eye on What's Behind Me (Raw Clip)

Dark Souls 3: Keeping an Eye on What's Behind Me (Raw Clip) One of the most common annoyances about fight a group or gank squad is how they will do absolutely nothing until you try to attack one of them. You go to attack one, he/she backs up and the other tries to attack your back. You go to attack the other, same thing just now their roles are reversed.

Punishing this annoying behavior can unfortunately be pretty tricky as you have to constantly keep an eye on multiple targets or are forced to just assume their positions when you can't. You have to be pretty selective in your attacks too, if you manage to land an R1 on the target you are chasing you always have to weigh the risk of doing the follow up R1 with the potential of getting hit by the other targets. It's for this reason that turn and burns were originally used by invaders even before it was just an overly common 50/50 playstyle. When you're managing multiple threats focusing on what's about to hit you isn't just important for survival, it's often just more effective than endlessly chasing a target who's running away from you.

Clip captured during a livestream on 2019.03.10
#DS3Tube #GrantUsEyes #TurnAndBurn

馃拃 Build Setup
Level: 35 (+4 Weapons)
Starting Class: Warrior

Vigor: 21, Attunement: 6, Endurance: 18
Vitality: 11, Strength: 18, Dexterity: 22
Intelligence: 8, Faith: 9, Luck: 11

Lightning Bastard Sword +4, Chaos Mail Breaker +4, Blood Bandit's Knife +4
Simple Rapier +4, Light Crossbow +4, Blessed Caestus +4

Shira's Crown, Sunless Armor, Fire Witch Gauntlets, Silver Knight Leggings

Hornet Ring, Untrue Dark Ring, Prisoner's Chain, Ring of Favor +3

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