As a leader, you need to stay aware and alert for news, information, and updates to everything from the company you work for, to your industry, to general business, technology, and global trends.
The previous video (Leadership A to Z: V is for Visionary) talked about the need to have a "big picture" view - well, you can't do that if you're not well-informed about what's going on!
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Hi! I'm Grace Judson, and this is Leadership A to Z. And today we are looking at the letter W.
We have been working our way through the alphabet with leadership characteristics for every letter.
W is for Well-Informed.
I mentioned in the V for Visionary video that today's letter, W, was going to be related to being Visionary, and it is, because you really cannot be a visionary, you cannot see the big picture, you cannot see possibilities and what might happen in the future, what might be possible in the future, unless you are well-informed about what is going on across the board – in many areas, not just within your organization, within the business that you work for, but also within your industry, across the world in business, in emerging technologies.
Because even if you don't work for a technology company – and I would say that pretty much any work these days certainly has a significant technology aspect to it. Even if you don't work for a company that is specifically producing the technology, you're using it in everything that you do. So being aware of what's going on, being well informed in what's going on about technology, is important, as well as global world events, local events, and so on and so on and so on.
This doesn't mean that you have to become an expert in everything – that would not be possible.
But it does mean that you need to at least skim the surface of a lot of things.
I think that it is well worth going to your manager and asking for their advice on what they would suggest that you learn and study and follow and keep well informed about.
I think that anyone in any business leadership role, versus perhaps nonprofit or government, but even there, would be well advised to stay informed around business trends. There are plenty of business-related publications and websites and blogs. There are publications and websites and blogs and conferences - oh my! - for any industry, any field.
But don't just stick to your field, because again, going back to visionary, in order to be visionary you also have to be able to bring a lot of ideas and concepts together into a general awareness.
I am not trying to overwhelm you, and I realize that some of what I'm saying could end up being kind of overwhelming. So I'm really not trying to overwhelm you - I'm just trying to make the point that being well-informed incorporates a lot of variables and a lot of possible topics that you could stay on top of depending on your interest and depending on the industry and organization for which you work.
So there we have it – that is W for well-informed.
See you next time!