
The Twenties Roar Side A

The Twenties Roar Side A Here’s a little bit from the back of the album cover.
This spirit and feeling of the population.
World war one was over and we had won.
The economy was on its feet for the first time in our history and in addition the future looks sparkling bright.
No more worries, no more wounded and dying. Being alive the capital A
The stock market was going up, girls skirts were down. The Hubble skirt was popular, skirt so tight the girls had to hubble not walk.
The turkey trot was being played in all speakeasies for it was prohibition time.
Girls were called Pheley hoppers and petting parties were popular, everyone was doing things they weren’t allowed to do before. The country was alive and people were living, really living.

Bedelia- he’s making eyes at me,the sheik of Arabs,goody goody,the Bowery,deep river,

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