
10 Ways To Lower High Estrogen Levels Naturally

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How To Lower Estrogen Levels Naturally

Estrogen can have a pretty bad influence on the body in excess. Today we’re going to learn how to lower your exposure to it, naturally.

Tiny amounts of estrogen are actually needed in the male body. However in this modern society we are exposed to thousands of chemicals and other estrogenic compounds that act as endocrine disruptors in the male body, effectively boosting female hormone levels way above the levels that are “normal” in males.

I’d say that 99.5% of the male population has too much estrogen in their system, and I’m not even joking here. That’s how bad the situation is nowadays as everything is filled with estrogenic compounds from our foods to our personal care items all the way up to the receipts we get from the grocery stores.

That’s the truth, and it’s a scientifically proven fact. Estrogen is everywhere and it causes hormonal imbalance.

So why is estrogen so harmful to men? And why would you need to lower estrogen levels in the first place?

That’s a good question and every man should be aware of the answer: Estrogen and estrogen mimics are notorious for their ability to completely crush male testosterone levels.

You see, estrogen and testosterone are constantly battling for the same androgen receptors.

If you’re having overblown estrogen in men levels, which is also called with a fancy name: “male estrogen imbalance”, you’re missing those receptor spots to the female hormone. Low progesterone symptom.

And when that happens, you’re hormonally screwed.

And that’s not even all there is to overblown male estrogen imbalance because there’s this enzyme called aromatase which will convert your testosterone straight into estrogen.

So essentially when we’re boosting testosterone we need to make sure to lower estrogen levels as low as possible, and also make sure that our aromatase enzyme will be as low as possible. Because high testosterone combine with high aromatase enzyme means that your beloved male hormones will be effectively converted into estrogen, and that’s really really bad for us guys.

The good news are that it’s pretty easy to lower estrogen levels naturally, and if you’re doing it successfully, then your testosterone levels are bound to increase significantly, so obviously you as a man do need to decrease your male estrogen levels.

So how on earth can a man lower estrogen naturally? And how can we keep aromatase enzyme at bay?

Get Rid Of That Spare Tire

Estrogen molecules practically live inside your fat cells and it’s a scientific fact that the more fat a man has, the more estrogen he’s bound to carry.
Another scientific fact is that the more fat a man carries, the lower his testosterone levels are. See a link here or what?

First, to lower estrogen naturally and begin the removal process, you should start with weight loss. Or not necessarily even weight loss, but more specifically fat loss.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not that heavy, as it’s the fat that you need to get rid of, not the weight. So you could be “skinny fat” and still have the estrogen profile of a woman.

So start melting that fat away. The more you do it, the more your estrogen will decrease.

Avoid Exposure to Unnecessary Chemicals

In the modern world, we’re constantly bombarded with chemicals. They’re in our faces 24/7 and it’s a cold hard fact that we can’t completely avoid them no matter how hard we try to.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything, as we still can avoid them as much as possible, and we also can avoid the worst kinds of them, and I’ll be going into more detail with the worst ones as we move further with this list.

As a rule of thumb, you should avoid all the possible chemicals you can because almost all of them are known to disrupt our extremely sensitive endocrine system. Bunches of those chemicals are also straight on estrogen mimics in the body.

Interesting fact: The US database has over 50,000,000 chemicals listed in it, which makes it completely impossible to make sure that they’re safe to consume in any way, shape, or form.

Don’t use Plastic Products

It’s believed that the increased plastic usage is the leading cause of the feminine outlook of young men in this modern era.

This is caused by the incredibly strong estrogenic effect that plastics have on the male body, as they’re filled with Phthalates, compounds that make all plastics flexible.

Phthalates are known to mimic estrogen estradiol inside the male body, and that’s why it’s only a sign of weakness if you’re still after reading this post using plastic water bottles or eating those plastic micro-ready disasters.

The easiest way to get your body filled with phthalates and xenoestrogens is to drink a lot of soda.

Avoid Parabens

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