
Jacque says to start out by saying, 'I don't know.' After a certain amount of investigation . . .

Jacque says to start out by saying, 'I don't know.' After a certain amount of investigation . . . The Venus Project Q&A

Jacque says start out by saying, "I don't know." After a certain amount of investigation, you know enough so you can discuss a topic. How do you know you've reached that point? How do you know there isn't something huge you're missing?

TVP,THE VENUS PROJECT,RBE,RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY,JACQUE FRESCO,ROXANNE MEADOWS,Resource-Based Economy,Fresco,Meadows,Beyond Politics Poverty and War,Beyond Politics Poverty & War,Science,Technology,Science and Technology,The Choice is Ours,Paradise or Oblivion,Future by Design,The Best That Money Can't Buy,Q&A,Questions and Answers,Questions & Answers,Seminar,Online Seminar,

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