Don't laugh - you knew it was coming. Podcast topic this week is on Meditation :)
It seems over the last 80 episodes- every medical practitioner, and health and wellness expert continues to emphasize healthy diet, exercise, self care and meditation/slash mindfulness. To put a personal spin on this- I was eating healthy, exercising daily and finding time for self care- I figured 3 out of 4 wasn't bad- or so I thought. In fact what I have realized is that the fourth component of meditation and mindfulness may in fact be the most important of them all. How we think and react to the world and what our subconscious is really doing to us has a massive impact on our lives.
So lets dive deeper into this subject and get all of you similarly stubborn people like me out there listening with a new perspective. Joining me on this podcast is former psychotherapist, acclaimed author, podcaster and Younion meditation founder Natashay Grey. Natasha’s Conscious Living Podcast found itself on the iTunes new and noteworthy list back in 2016. Her new meditation studio is a place of skill building, connection and contemplation. Meditation came to Natasha later in life, when it seemed that every medication, pill and anti depressant was failing to provide her the life she desired. We talk about her moment of awareness- how the simple act of breathing can really change everything and how she wants people to leave her studio. We talk about meditation apps, guided meditations and simply taking a moment to sit.
You can find more about Natasha
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