Most of my energy has gone into considering the best strategies for implementing opportunity zone investments. The strategies, in most instances will have to be constructed on a case-by-case basis. It's not just about knowing the law, it's about understanding it and knowing how, best, to apply it.
A Short Chronological History of Opportunity ZonesThe law was passed as part of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The law became effective on January 1, 2018.The Internal Revenue Service came out with its first round of regulations and guidance in October 2018, nearly 10-months later. This first set of regulations and guidance tended to raise more questions than answersIRS, then published its second round of regulations and guidance in mid April 2019. Before this second round, I thought that anyone willing to invest in an Opportunity Zone project was out of their mind. There was, just too much unknown and risk.The April 2019 regulations, however provided enough guidance to begin considering Opportunity Zone investments.
Anyone who has recently sold investment assets and has recognized capital gains. Investment sales may include the sale of real property, equipment, a business, stocks, bonds or any other asset the sale of which might subject the seller to federal capital gains taxes.
Anyone who knows or advises someone who has recently sold investment assets who has recognized capital gains. This may include, Real estate agents, Developers, Attorneys, Accountants, and Financial advisors.
For more detail, watch the video, read the full article or listen to the audio only podcast at
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH EXCITEMENT ABOUT OPPORTUNITY ZONES? So, what’s the big deal about opportunity zones? If an investor holds onto the Opportunity Zone investment for 10-years, they do not pay any capital gains tax on the increase in value. The author:Howard F. Kline is a Nevada licensed real estate advisor with SVN The Equity Group, located in Las Vegas Nevada. He has also been a licensed California attorney for over 42 years, primarily focused on commercial real estate and has been a licensed California broker and a licensed New York real estate agent. He is also the founder and host of CRE Radio & TV, an online commercial real estate magazine since 2010 and recently founded the Las Vegas Business Journal, an online, media rich, interactive business magazine. For more information, contact Howard at 702.706.4433 or at