Ann Coulter- ''Truly Fraudulent Journalism'' Article. Ann Coulter- Mexicans DISPROPORTIONATELY Commit DUIs Article. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. One Million Casualties? Naww Stealing Your Freedom State By State Do Democrats Hate God and Country?
''Truly Fraudulent Journalism'' - Ann Coulter and Lars Larson React to NYT
Fun Size Politics
Published on Aug 21, 2019
New York Times has a 'Standard Operating Procedure' to omit anything - regardless of how huge - that runs counter to the narrative they desire to present. NYT is all about control, so they can have power, and then exert force. Astoundingly unethical in their dishonesty to the point of 'truly fraudulent journalism.' Lars explains Fake News vs Lie. Audio and image not owned by channel.
Mexicans DISPROPORTIONATELY Commit DUIs - Lars Larson Hosts Ann Coulter August 28th
Fun Size Politics
Published on Aug 28, 2019
Ann Coulter and Lars Larson. Mexicans/Hispanics disproportionately drunk drivers. Any American dying from any immigrant is unacceptable as of approximately January-February 2017 when Trump assumed Presidential powers as a result of voters electing him on promises of Wall, massive deportations, and huge immigration reform. Hispanic culture has stunning stats: 33% of drunk accidents committed by 8% of population (young Latinos) in Houston.
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Jones & Co June 19, 2019
Rick Ruggiero
Published on Jun 19, 2019
Andrew Bolt interviews veteran Chernobyl US Medical Specialist Dr. Robert Peter Gale who was invited by President Gorbachev to treat Russians who were affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power station explosion. According to anti-nuclear activists the deaths associated with this disaster was in excess of a million people, but Dr. Gale has the real number of casualties. Copyright © The Bolt Report, SkyNews.
Stealing Your Freedom State By State.
Bode Lang
Published on Jul 16, 2019
Democrats are quietly pushing legislation (and rhetoric) to remake the American system of government to give radical Democrats advantages that the Constitution specifically attempts to prohibit. The Left is stealing your freedom, state by state, by attempting to abolish the electoral college, knowingly enabling voter fraud, and urging Democrats to pack the Supreme Court with left-wing activists because if they can do all that, then they will have full control over Americans. More info can be found at SOURCES: VIDEO: Chuck Schumer North Dakota CLIP: VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - The Beneficiaries of Voter Fraud Democracy Dies in a Leftist Coup Liberal Pipe Dreams About Remarking The Constitution Pick Up Steam In New Congress Minnesota Lawmakers are Trying to Smuggle In a Measure To Subvert the Electoral College Elizabeth Warren Calls for U.S. to Scrap Electoral College Majority of Democrats Think Illegal Aliens Should Be Given The Right To Vote California DMV Gives Illegal Voters a Surge Electoral College Opponents Attempt to Have It Both Ways Huffington Post: Hey Democrats Pack the Court California HealthCare Heist 3 Ways 2020 Dems Want to Remake the Supreme Court Electoral College Checks Direct Democracy VIDEO: Why Voter Fraud is a Massive Problem
Do Democrats Hate God and Country?
Bode Lang
Published on Jun 12, 2019
Nancy Pelosi says Democrats love God and country, but the actions of Democrats suggest otherwise. Proof democrats hate God and America. The Nancy Pelosi clip can be found here: or here as far as all of the articles, most of the screenshots have dates on them and can be found at either or and scrolling to the date of the article.
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