
ARCore updates, New in Chrome 77, Announcing Dart 2.5

ARCore updates, New in Chrome 77, Announcing Dart 2.5 TL;DR 174 | The Google Developer News Show

ARCore updates to Augmented Faces and Cloud Anchors enable new shared cross-platform experiences →

New in Chrome 77 →

Announcing Dart 2.5: Super-charged development →

Anthos simplifies application modernization with managed service mesh and serverless for your hybrid cloud →

Train ML models on large images and 3D volumes with spatial partitioning on Cloud TPUs →

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Arcore,arcore updates,new in chrome 77,chrome 77,dart,anthos,ml models,train ml models,Google developer show,the google developer show,#DevShow,Google Developers,google developer,googledevs,gdevs,google devs,developer advocate,Google developer advocate,Dan Galpin,

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