
DEAD ON ARRIVAL! - Online Fish Buyers Worse Nightmare! - 2 Guests and A Very Special Offer for YOU!

DEAD ON ARRIVAL! - Online Fish Buyers Worse Nightmare! - 2 Guests and A Very Special Offer for YOU! ***Be sure to take advantage of the GREAT offer at the end this video***
DEAD ON ARRIVAL! Part 2 in my ONLINE FISH BUYING video series.
Waiting for fish to arrive is like the day before your birthday. You're excited and can't wait to see and enjoy your new arrivals. But sometimes that anticipation and joy turns into a severe disappointment when those fish arrive D.O.A!
What should we do when this happens? What are the steps we should follow to make things right? And honestly, is it something we should be worried about at all?
Here I share with you my experience with this and, like in the prior online buying video, I get some input from a couple pros, "2 Josh's", that know what they're talking about.
Take a look and share your thoughts and experiences with buying fish online in the comments below. Have you experienced a D.O.A? How was it resolved? Were your satisfied? Remember, at this channel, "We all learn from each other!"
A special shout-out and thanks to Josh Cunningham, owner of Cunningham Cichlids ( and Josh Davis, the owner of Live Fish Direct ( for participating in this video.
To take advantage of the LFD special offer, just visit the Live Fish Direct web page and type "Ochart" in the notes when checking out.
Others who participated or were mentioned include:
Trevor O'Shea at The Wonder of Cichlids at
James Largo at The Cichlid Shack at
Imperial Tropicals at
Daves Rare Aquarium Fish at
All LEGIT and trusted vendors!
Follow on Instagram at: "ben.o.cichlid"
Hook up with a friendly and helpful group of fish keepers at the "Ben O'Cichlid" Facebook group.
Thanks Phil "Mr Chips" Griffiths for the ending video / logo clip!
Hey "Convo Gang" - YOU ROCK!

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