
Dramatic Dog Pretends to Faint After Having His Toenail Cut

Dramatic Dog Pretends to Faint After Having His Toenail Cut This is the moment a dramatic dog tries to avoid getting her nails trimmed by fainting before the first snip. 
A video of the Oscar-worthy performance by a pit bull in the US went viral over the weekend after it was shared on Reddit.  
It shows the pooch ignoring her nail-clipper-wielding owner before finally giving up her front paw. 
Just as the owner about to trim the first nail, the dog makes her theatrical descent.
The pup topples over to the left as if in slow motion. 
She rolls all the way onto her back and lays there with legs splayed up in the air, allowing her owner to get on with the nail-clipping.  
Several viewers commented on the video praising the dog for her valiant attempt to avoid such an unpleasant task.  
It's unclear where or when the 56-second video was recorded.

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