What do you do when you're locked in a repeating pattern of relating to another person that usually end up in an argument that triggers your emotional buttons?
Without becoming aware of what your emotional buttons are REALLY about, the deeper beliefs about yourself and your life, then find a way to neutralize and release those emotions, it'll be very, very difficult for you to move beyond that pattern with the other person.
I learned that the most effective way to move past those emotional triggers was by doing energy work and working with my subconscious mind, which is the Body.
This ties in directly with one of the 5 factors I teach in how to get beyond sugar cravings. Knowing how to move yourself out of repeating patterns of interacting with others that stir up your emotional triggers is not only incredibly powerful, it also helps you say to to emotional eating and reaching for all those sugary comfort foods!
Want to know more on how to do that? I'll share with you my cheat sheet on getting beyond sugar cravings as a start.
Get it here: