How to correct a dangling modifier
There are two main ways of correcting a dangling modifier.
1. Place the subject within the opening word group
2. Place the subject right after the opening word group
E.g. While reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the front steps.
- While I was reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the front steps.
- While reading the newspaper, I sat with my dog on the front steps.
E.g. Shaving in front of the steamy mirror, the razor nicked Ed’s chin.
- When/While Ed was shaving in front of the steamy mirror, the razor nicked his chin.
- Shaving in front of the steamy mirror, Ed nicked his chin.
Practice: Dangling Modifiers
Underline the dangling modifier in each sentence and identify it as Disjunct Dangling, Adjectival Dangling, Past Participial Dangling, Present Participial Dangling, Infinitival Dangling, or Adverbial-Clause Dangling.
1. While pitching a tent, a snake bit Tony on the ankle. (Adverbial-Clause Dangling)
2. To stop price increase, all goods must be well-controlled and limited. (Infinitival Dangling)
3. By standing and repeating the pledge, the hearing came to an end. (Disjunct Dangling)
4. Treated attentively, the doctor feel tired of many patients. (Past Participial Dangling)
5. Ready to pitch a camp, the windstorm hit. (Adjectival Dangling)
6. Looking at the beautiful pictures, the art gallery is full of pictures.
(Present Participial Dangling)
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