
(Russian) Learning to follow lines and edges wearing The vOICe vision glasses

(Russian) Learning to follow lines and edges wearing The vOICe vision glasses September 10, 2019: Blind user of The vOICe vision glasses Maxim Kazakov following a painted white line on a running track, then following the edge of a street, and next following the edge of a pavement; с Максим Казаков

For information about training with The vOICe vision glasses in Russia, visit (редиректы)
For training with The vOICe vision glasses outside Russia, visit (redirects)

The vOICe для Android (Google Play)
Учебное пособие по использованию программы The vOICe

Further information in English at
(app details)
(Google Play)

sensory substitution,blind,seeingwithsound,

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