The universe body slammed them by the way. They were so foxy. They thought that they had it down pat. Dropped you! had their fun! The universe let them know that it was watching. The foxy playboy or playgirl got burned. The playboy or playgirl got played. They got played by the snake.
You took time to heal and to ground. You took time out for you. To become that person that you were! before they came in and rained on your happy parade. You were loyal, they weren't
But you found something inside yourself, Aquarius. The key to the universe. The key to self.
The playboy and playgirl and playboy KNOWS that they messed up. They thought that they would always be able to return and love on you. But that persons two of cups! was nothing more than chemical crap water!
But your SUN is too damn POTENT for them.
i see prosperity. I see fortune. I see deep healing. Do you know what i don't see. I don't see the playboy and I don't see the playgirl.
November 2019 and beyond will be great for so many singles, couples, men, women. The universe has your back. as long as you continue to work with the universe, the universe will continue to work with you. Or maybe I should say. As long as you work with the universe, the universe wont redirect you to your highest good.
#aquarius2019novembertarotlove #aquariustarot2019 #november2019aquarius