This post shows the inside track glitch is still working on PC using Autohotkey macro; but you can manually use this if you don't know how to use or setup a macro.
How to use:
1. Download autohotkey from
2. Use the script posted below the description.
3. Go to inside track and access the computer til you have the PLACE BET screen.
4. Run as administrator Autohotkey w/ the script
5. Sit back and relax.
6. If you want to stop the macro press F2, or you can restart it by pressing F12.
NOTE: This script always bets on the Horse 1 using 2000 chips/bet to avoid being kicked from the session but glitch is still working.
You may get the casino "soft-ban" for 1 week once you get around 40m from the casino.
Disclaimer: I will not provide any support to the macro/script. I will not be responsible if ever you get caught and banned for using this (but I have already made 200m+ from using this glitch and I just want to share this to those who are interested)
Script (only for resolution 1366x768 but you can adjust the script with help of a mouse coordinate program. COPY PASTE this to your autohotkey script):
CoordMode, Mouse, Client
CoordMode, Pixel, Client
sleep 2000
send {f1}
send {f1}
F2::pause, toggle
MouseMove, 1047, 657
sleep, 800
Click, down, left
sleep, 70
Click, up, left
sleep, 800
MouseMove, 293, 238
sleep, 800
Click, down, left
sleep, 70
Click, up, left
sleep, 800
MouseMove, 1083, 373
sleep, 800
Click, down, left
sleep, 2950
MouseMove, 959, 562
sleep, 33000
Click, up, left
sleep, 3400
MouseMove, 673, 696
sleep, 1000
Click, down, left
sleep, 80
Click, up, left
sleep, 1000