
The Demonization of The Joker Movie and Mental Illness and Disorders

The Demonization of The Joker Movie and Mental Illness and Disorders #JokerMovie #MentalIllness


‘HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND’ Five-year-old autistic boy ‘registered as sex offender’ for hugging one classmate and kissing another on the cheek - The Sun

AWKWARD TOUCH ‘Shy and awkward’ student, 19, who Googled ‘how to make a friend’ then touched schoolgirl, 17, on arm and waist ‘while trying to chat’ faces jail - The Sun

Iceland "Cures" Down Syndrome: Should America Do the Same? - Psychology Today

Why can't we face the truth? Having an autistic child wrecks your life ... by Carol Sarler - Daily Mail

People are being euthanized in Europe…for autism - Life Site

Autism: To Abort or Not to Abort? - Gerald Nadal

Would you abort a disabled child? - The Guardian

Children with Additional Needs, Autism ‘Cures’, and Abortion Advice - THE ADDITIONAL NEEDS BLOGFATHER

Autism, abortion and prenatal screening - BBC

I believe that progressive journalists and the media in Europe and the US are intentionally demonizing mental illness, developmental disorders, and the mentally challenged, such as Down's Syndrome, autism, and social anxiety disorders. Multiple examples of social awkwardness due to mental disorders being legally deemed sexual assault have occurred. Disabled or disordered babies are being aborted in Europe, to the point that all children with Down's Syndrome are aborted, save for one or two annually who survive to birth. When combined with the media's coordinated, relentless effort to sabotage the Joker movie - a movie about mental illness and how America fails the mentally ill - it becomes apparent that this effort to utterly demonize mental illness and mental disabilities is not only becoming more widespread but accelerating. This should alarm everyone.

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Hi – I’m Michelle (a.k.a. Chat-Mort.) I love the freedom, prosperity, and hope America has brought to its citizens and the rest of the world. It’s too late to save it, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. I make political and cultural commentary videos and discuss my struggles with depression and anxiety in hopes that my experience will help some of you. I also make videos on my digital and traditional art, discuss the manga, anime, books, and video games I like, and do laidback streams every week or two to talk with my subscribers. If my videos and experiences can show one person that they’re not alone, all of this has been worth it.

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chat-mort,chatmortmrm,mental illness,joker movie,mental disorders,autism,asd,down's syndrome,autism spectrum disorder,iceland,the demonization of mental illness,

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