
Case Study: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Failed Treatment Attempt

Case Study: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Failed Treatment Attempt This video answers the question: Can I analyze a case study that illustrates a failed attempt to treat narcissistic personality disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder criteria
1. Grandiose sense of self-importance
2. Fantasies of success, power, fame
3. Special or unique
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Sense of entitlement
6. Manipulative
7. Lacks empathy for others
8. Envious and believing others envy you
9. Arrogant attitudes or behaviors


There are two types of narcissism: With grandiose narcissism we see characteristics like being extroverted, socially bold, self-confident, having a superficial charm, being resistant to criticism, and being callous and unemotional. Vulnerable narcissism is characterized by shame, anger, aggression, hypersensitivity, a tendency to be introverted, defensive, avoidant, anxious, depressed, socially awkward, and shy.

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