
Disruption: It's The Rare Ad That Stands Out That Captures Our Attention

Disruption: It's The Rare Ad That Stands Out That Captures Our Attention A segment of Jake McKenzie's talk on The Psychology of Great Marketing, presented at the PRSA Diversity Symposium at Ross Bridge in Birmingham, Alabama.

He talks about how disruption helps to get your message in front of others.

If you hear the sentence "I'm going to take my dog to the ...", for example, your brain probably completes the sentence with the expected ending, "park", even before you hear the word. If the sentence happened to end with something unexpected, however, like "I'm going to take my dog to the bar", then your brain has to go back and process that unexpected sentence ending. The brain has to reexamine the sentence and its notion of the world to accommodate the unexpected.

When there is something new, we are hardwired to pay attention to that. This gets people engaged and motives them to share information with their friends through word of mouth and social media. Just take a look at your Facebook feed and you will notice that people often share information that is new and unexpected.

In our advertisements we have included toilet paper rolls coming down from a billboard and a skydiver landing on a billboard for the Southern Museum of Flight. These examples highlight the importance of creativity in advertising. If you want to get people's attention you must be creative, you can't go with cliches.


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