
Elliot Adamson - You Don't Understand

Elliot Adamson - You Don't Understand ~ SwagyMusic

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If you are the owner of this picture and want it removed,contact me and I will delete the video as soon as possible,no drama!

There is no copyright infringement intended for the song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this song or picture please contact me through one of my social networks or YouTube private messaging system. Once I have received your message and determined you are the proper owner of this content I will have it removed, no drama at all. This channel is strictly for promotion towards the artists of the music. I try to help promote their music and their social networks.

swagytracks,ncs,nocopyrightsounds,chillnation,trapnation,trap nation,Chill nation,Chill,Music,Chill Tunes,Elliot Adamson,You Dont understand,SwaggyMusic,swaysounds,House City,Housecity,Chill city,BestModernMusic,NCM,MRSUICIDESHEEP,GalaxyMusic,Promoting Sounds,Zac alsop,

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