Hi everybody scott here, Today I want to tell you how I reduced my electric bill by more than 70% by creating some solar power panels at home.
Trying to lower my electric bill by using various devices and methods, but quite frankly, I was never able to save more than a few bucks.
Surprisingly enough, one day while browsing online I came across a revolutionary new green energy technology which promised to reduce your electric bills by almost 90%.
So out of curiosity I decided to give it a try once. But I was really skeptical if I will be able to do all the stuff by myself.
However, I was amazed to see how everything was explained in minor details from buying raw materials to assembling the solar panel.
Over the weekend, this is what I created and installed at our rooftop. After installation, I almost forgot about it until the day our electric bill finally arrived.
I opened the bill and was surprised to see that our bill had lowered by more than 40% as compared to last month.
After this, I have installed 1 more 80 Watt panel and my bill has dropped by more than 70%.
I am telling you all this because this method of generating electricity is not only environment-friendly but it can also save you thousands of dollars in the long run.
If you want to know more about this and other green methods to generate electricity just click on the link below and start saving your money today!
Solar Panel information
Information on Using Used batteries and restoring them for you home energy use. Great Business opp.
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