
I Was Suspended For Cosplaying

I Was Suspended For Cosplaying Hey, I’m Patricia and recently we had spirits week at our high school. Which means we had to dress up to a certain theme like ‘Pajama day’ or ‘nerd day’.

But I didn’t participate. Why? I was just too lazy. But my English teacher, Mr. Snape who had always hated me, said “Oh, Kathrin why don’t you participate in spirit week? You are ruining the fun”
Uhh… why was he picking on me again. I responded “don’t annoy me.” To which he responded “I see, you are too scared to put on a costume and express yourself.”What? Scared? Me? No… I just didn’t like wearing costumes. But fine, I was willing to prove him wrong. I went to this shop where they sold very revealing costumes and cosplays.

I chose a pirate costume. And it was so short, it was almost like a bikini.
The next day, we had our English exam with Mr. Snape. It was perfect.

I came 5 minutes too late, like always, but when Mr. Snape saw me, he said “what the hell?!” And I said “Arrrg Cadet! Step aside!”

He responded “Get out of my classroom, you are dressed like a wh***!”
I responded “you said I was too scared to express myself, so here is my response."

He told me again “get out!”
And I responded “nope”
Then he said “fine, you are suspended for the rest of the week.”
And I responded “sounds great! Then I don’t have to come to your boring classes anymore.”

I acted cool but actually I was shocked. I just wanted to provoke my teacher a bit. But now I was suspended. And I didn’t even know what that meant.

I ended up calling up my dad and told him what Mr. Snape had done to me. My father always has a hot temper, so he got angry and said he’d come over right now.

I thought he would support me. But when he saw me, he freaked out and screamed “What are you wearing?!”

I said “it’s spirit week, calm down.”
But my father said “you look like you are working for a pimp, that’s not how my daughter walks around. I’m glad they suspended you. Now you can’t embarrass yourself anymore.”

Thanks dad.

And to make things worse, I had to make up the English exam I had missed and Mr. Snape put much harder questions on that exam, so I failed it terribly and got an F.

That was a big problem because it meant I’d have to repeat the year. But I went to my principal and told him how Mr. Snape had put harder questions on my make up exam. He said “yeah, this isn’t the first time he has done that.”
And then he said “You will get one more chance.”

But this time, I studied a lot and somehow managed to get a C- on my exam.
I guess that next time, I’ll simply not get into any stupid fights with any of my immature teachers.


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