
Minister of Japan say : Fukushima, Japan will have to dump radioactive water into Pacific 일본방사능 아직

Minister of Japan  say : Fukushima, Japan will have to dump radioactive water into Pacific 일본방사능 아직 2011년 3월 쓰나미가 덮친 이후 100만 톤이 넘는 오염수가 이 발전소에 누적 되어 있고 , 8년이 지난 지금 현제 지금 일본정부는 방사능 오염수를 바다로 방출하려고 하고 있다.
Eight years after the disaster, More than 1 million tones of contaminated water has accumulated at the plant since it was struck by a tsunami in March 2011
Tepco has attempted to remove most radionuclides from the excess water, but the technology does not exist to rid the water of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Coastal nuclear plants commonly dump water that contains tritium into the ocean.


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