
Noach: Simple Acceptance

Noach: Simple Acceptance This week’s Torah portion is Noach and it begins: “These are of the offspring of Noah; Noah was a righteous person; he was perfect in his generation; Noah walked with the Divine.”

The word for "perfect" in this text is tamim, which comes from tam, meaning "simple," On the surface, this seems to be insulting and not a positive aspect at all. After all, the tam is usually thought of someone without much intelligence – a simpleton.

But what if we look at the word “simple” in a different way? Simple meaning not complex. Not thinking so much. Not allowing the negative self-talk to reign supreme.

What if Noah was an example of what it is like to simply accept what happens? Especially when challenging or bad things happen? Like a flood. Or a diagnosis. Or rejection. Or loss. Or even when things aren’t going according to plan.

How many of us, when faced with a problem or challenge, are able to simply accept it – feel the feelings – and then move into action without denying, without anger, without resentment, or without wishing it were different.

It isn’t resignation. Instead it is being fully present to what is happening without resistance so it can just move on by.

Simple acceptance in this way becomes similar to what might happen in martial arts when you use an opponent’s momentum against them.

And it says Noah walked with the Divine. What if that’s a clue for us? What if a simple acceptance of what is leads to a sense of calm, of peace, and of connection? What if that simple acceptance helps us remember and recognize our oneness with all that is – and that is walking with the Divine.

Until next time, remember your brilliance and stay connected.

Noah,Noach,Torah,Taste of Torah,Sermons,Sermons for Everyday Living,Janet Kingsley,Coach Janet Kingsley,Simple Acceptance,Acceptance,

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