
Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdouk Sets Agenda That Includes Removing Sudan From Terrorism Spo

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdouk Sets Agenda That Includes Removing Sudan From Terrorism Spo Source:

Sudanese Prime Minister Dr. Abdallah Hamdouk considered the settlement of Sudan's debts, state reform at security and civil service level and removal of Sudan from a list of state sponsors of terrorism were big challenges that would confront the policies of a transitional government. " There was a number of issues need to discuss with our people, top of them was management of expectancy, especially that our people have big and deserved expectancies that should be managed together" Dr Hamdouk said while he was addressing a workshop on Presentation and Discussion of Proposals and Priorities of Transitional Period held at Friendship Hall in Khartoum on Sunday. The Prime Minister announced that the government would be honest and transparent in tackling the files and issues of the country, saying we do not deceive this great person and that the revolution was continuing till convocation of the constitutional conference, the biggest project and the session over which people of Sudan reaches consensus. He said the national project has two components, political and economic and said that we are in need of a political solution that we failed to achieve over the past sixty years. He added " there is a great opportunity for reaching consensus over finding a climate and political vision leading us to scheme on the achievement of economic development of the country. The Prime Minister appreciated the Forces of Freedom and Change(FFC), the organizer of the workshop, for making the change, the Sudanese people for its patience and the international community for its continued support to the revolution programs.


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