
Ahmadi Muslim Debates Sunni Scholar

Ahmadi Muslim Debates Sunni Scholar Assalamu Alaikum dear viewers

This video is for educational purposes so the Muslims see that the reality is not what their scholars portray. They tell the youth lies about Ahmadiyyat so that they do not discuss with us from the Qur'an and ahadith. This is a short discussion between me and a Muslim scholar. You will see that he was unable to answer the argument and avoided me for many years. He had a bad experience with another Ahmadi and I apologized for that, and after the apology, he promised to respond to my email but did not. I randomly saw him yesterday while doing tabligh at RIS. Out of respect, I hid his face and name but uploaded the video for educational purposes.

Instagram: @Ahmadianswers
Twitter: @Studentofahmad

Islam,Ahmadiyyat,Mohammed Hijab,True Islam,Debate,Sunni Ahmadi Debate,Islam Ahmadiyyat,Truth,Qadiani,Munazarah,

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