
Buttigieg Campaign Calls Rival College Plans ‘Elitism’ But Doesn't Offer Free Trade School - Breaki

Buttigieg Campaign Calls Rival College Plans ‘Elitism’ But Doesn't Offer Free Trade School  - Breaki Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has gone on the offensive against his progressive rivals’ tuition-free college plans.   The Democratic presidential hopeful’s most recent critique, articulated at a campaign stop in South Carolina on Monday, is that the candidates proposing tuition-free plans for everyone ― namely, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ― are reinforcing the condescending idea that a college degree is the only way to get ahead in the world.  Buttigieg told an NBC News reporter that he is “concerned about a narrative emerging, that ignores the fact that not everybody goes to college ... I want to make sure cost is never a barrier. But where I come from, three out of four people don’t have a college degree. And if the message we’re sending to them is that you need a college degree in order to get by in life, in order to prosper, in order to succeed, we’re leaving most Americans out.”  Buttigieg campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith took the argument a step further on Twitter, claiming that the perspective of more progressive free college advocates is the “height of elitism.”  The trouble with Buttigieg’s charge is that both Sanders’ and Warren’s plans go further than his by expanding access to trade schools, a major alternative to college. Unlike Buttigieg’s means-tested free college tuition plan, which is limited to traditional four-year colleges and community colleges, Sanders’ and Warren’s free tuition policies also cover two- and four-year trade or vocational school educations and professional apprenticeships.  “As Bernie has stated many times, college may not be the right choice for everyone, and that is why his plan has long offered a path for those who might want to get advanced education at trade schools,” Sanders campaign spokesman Mike Casca said in a statement. “In fact, technical colleges and trade schools can be essential to the lives of working class Americans.  “Unlike Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Bernie believes essentials should be guaranteed to all people – not just those who can afford it,” Casca continued.  The Warren campaign declined to comment for this story.  Asked why Buttigieg excludes trade schools from his main tuition subsidy proposal, his campaign noted that he would invest $10 billion over a decade to make community colleges more affordable and $50 billion in workforce development and apprenticeships. Buttigieg would also make community college free for low- and middle-income students, the campaign said.  “Pete believes we should remove cost as a barrier for Americans whether they attend a four-year college, two-year college, or trade school,” the campaign said in a statement. “Unlike Senators Warren and S

Bernie Sanders,Elizabeth Warren,pete buttigieg,free college,Vocational school,

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