
Capitalizing on Egregores, 'Inverted Archon' to QJ, Biohack, & Ultimately Escape the Matrix

Capitalizing on Egregores, 'Inverted Archon' to QJ, Biohack, & Ultimately Escape the Matrix Source: Anthony Peake & Watkins Books youtube channel (UK)

Egregorials take "what you focus on, grows" to a whole new dimensional level, literally. The term "Egregore" goes by various names based on location, ie "Thoughtform," "Tempat," "Tulpa," "Servitor," "Golem," "autonomous psychic entity," and "Doppelganger slave."

Tibetan holy men create Tulpas from visualizations in their minds. These doppelganger slaves work for them all their lives until they get too cocky where they eventually refuse to continue to take orders and are killed.

Is this true? I'm very sure they are, but what I know for certain is the inverse is true, that The Archon exist - our "thought initiates" and "man-ipulator" who mind control us to their desires like puppets and use us as energy slaves. But here in this discussion in the video, we find that the reverse is also true that we can create our own Archon-bots for us to manipulate for our desires. If it works one way, it oughta work in reverse.

And as The Archon are our skinwalkers, Native Indian "Skinwalkers" is yet another twist on this same theme down the same deep rabbit/rabbi hole.

As for physical cosmic space aliens, there aren't any IMO ... nor the physical type, but are purely "eartheric" - aetheric earthlings. This is an elitist diversion from UFOs which are real, but are governmental 1900's inventions. The fabricated story was paraded everywhere to derail truthers off track into thinking they are otherworldly. These Gov't UFOs are real but can spin and get into the gamma state and slip between the pages of time. They were built from ancient technology kept secret for centuries. And the hoax worked in flying colors and it has enjoyed overwhelming success for decades fooling millions of truth-seekers into believing we are visited by cosmic travelers from some distant star system - which is bullocks. My Sixth cents.

The same goes for crop circles. It also serves to throw off truth-seekers to again think there are aliens out there. He made a great point saying that's why they started out crude and evolved. This wouldn't be the case had they been authentic ET legit.

He also touched on the magikal time travel power of caves. We live in one - the Concave Earth cave and this place is magikal for those who but tap into magik as myself on occasion with chaos magik. The "green Woolpit children," where we get "little green men from mars" also went into a cave thanks to some wandering cows and teleported from the "Twilight World" and a-ported into this timeline from a cave called "wolf's pit" in Woolpit England. No cows were hurt.
The Philadelphia experiment is another time travel attempt at the same time UFOs were being manufactured in remote places. And the Ark of the Covenant - a contract made between Egyptians/Jews with the Archon (Ark~Arch) was another time machine. There are several ways to quantum jump. I know of at least ten at least potential methods.

"If you control your mind, you'll control your life."

To a degree. For instance, from my experience, while we can manifest things (or in reality, move your consciousness into different timelines), BUT not out.


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