
Democrats Obsess over Identity Politics as Media Allies Promote the Mutual Fixation with Race

Democrats Obsess over Identity Politics as Media Allies Promote the Mutual Fixation with Race Now more then ever we need your help keeping this channel producing REAL content for REAL people

Conservative Resurgence Gear

You’d be hard-pressed to find a Democrat who wants President Trump reelected in 2020. Yet increasingly, liberal rhetoric is playing into the president’s hands.

If Democrats want any shot at defeating Trump, then their sprint to the far-left must come to an end. And for that to happen, the party’s pseudo-religious adherence to identity politics must stop once and for all.

For years, the Democratic Party has billed itself as the party of inclusion, one that is committed to uplifting minority groups. And there’s some truth to this: When Democrats act in good faith, they’re genuinely trying to stand up for the oppressed and make our country a better place for minorities. But, more recently, the Democrat's attempt to protect minority groups has mutated into a grotesque form of new tribalism, which relies on making every argument about vague notions of oppression of supposedly marginalized groups.

Since then, it has become far more important to some Democrats to identify with the correct group rather than with the correct ideas. And in this increasingly monolithic thinking, dissenting opinions are no longer welcome.
Any opposition to the ideas of the ingroup can be dismissed with labels such as “racist” or “sexist” — a reality even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has experienced firsthand. The four liberal congresswomen known as "the squad" have blasted the long-time liberal as racist because she has dared to push back on their ideas. The effect this has on discourse is corrosive: Who will be brave enough to dissent when they’re at risk of social slander?

One particular member of “the squad” has recently given us yet another example of the far-left’s identity politics tribalism.
At a liberal political convention in July, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley declared “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice …” She continued her diatribe in similar fashion, listing a host of other minority groups and invoking identity to effectively tape the mouth shut of any minority who might have a whisper of criticism for liberals on their lips.

In this fresh Democratic ingroup, each minority member must be a voice that agrees with certain views and values or they aren’t welcome. But by reducing others down to one characteristic, such as race or religion, liberals are stripping away identity from that characteristic. It’s insulting to suggest they aren’t a legitimate minority voice if they don’t behave in lockstep with the values that their group is “supposed” to hold.

The Democrat's focus on identity politics is ruining any semblance of meaningful principle in the party. After all, isn’t defining someone as what they are and not who they are the very opposite of liberal?

Trump, meanwhile, is doing just fine.

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Identity Politics,Democratic presidential contenders,Joe Biden,Bernie Sanders,Booker,Harris,Klobuchar,Buttigieg,Gabbard,Warren,Yang,Patrick,Mike Bloomberg,climate change,Steyer,Republicans,

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