
How to Harness Your Energy to Create a Quantum SHIFT in Reality (NO GOING BACK)

How to Harness Your Energy to Create a Quantum SHIFT in Reality (NO GOING BACK) Once you Harness Your Energy to Create a Quantum SHIFT in Reality There's NO GOING BACK. If you'd like to FINALLY experience the reality you prefer click here:

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This video, I'm going to be showing you how to harness your energy to create a quantum SHIFT in reality. Once you watch this video, you'll know exactly how to do it and then there's no going back.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be showing you how to quantum shift to a new reality ...understanding first off that this is already happening naturally.

We are already shifting through different realities because what we think of time is the movement through different parallel realities. There is something called the space of variations as you may have heard about it from the book reality transfer fee or the infinite number of parallel realities that exist and what happens is we are so fluidly moving through these realities that we don't even know we're doing it.

To understand this, think of this like a film projector. Think of it like there are so many different frames and they film projector. They are going so fast that it looks like one long fluid movement, but if we were to stretch out those frames, we would see that we could cut out one frame and then see another frame and then there are two separate frames and the same way every reality that we see any changing at all is a totally separate reality.

So this is about understanding that what quantum physics is showing us is that everything exists here in now. It's just a different frame of reality that we are perceiving of. So when we talk about this, this makes it so much easier because then we see that creating any shift isn't hard because it's already happening naturally. It is a natural byproduct for the way reality works. It's also the idea of the law of attraction.

We talk about the law of attraction. You don't have to learn how to attract what you want. You just have to learn how well you don't have to learn how to attract. In general, you're always getting something. It's just you want to learn how to attract more of what you would want because there could even be negative manifestations and it's still a manifestation as well.

So this is about understanding the process and getting more of what you want to experience or creating a greater degree of change, which is what a quantum shift is. So the idea is that most of us are on autopilot. We're thinking the same thoughts every day will feeling the same emotions every day. We're doing the same things every day.

Therefore we're shifting to a similar reality over and over and over again. And here's the thing, even though it appears to be similar, they're all completely different realities. It's just that we may be locked into certain patterns that continue to play themselves out. So you might go to work one day, have a similar conversation with someone, help customers, whatever it is that you go to work for.

Then the next day it may be similar, but still a little bit different. But there's a similar thread, a similar like autopilot way of being that keeps on autopilot, kind of like Groundhog's day. So the key is knowing that you're already shifting, whether you're aware of it or not. And what we think of as that of time is the movement through different reality.

So this right here, right now, there are many different realities that are involved. And when you say infinite parallel realities, they give it like this. This is from my perception right now of me going like this. However, imagine there's, I mean there's all these little flies like flying around.

Imagine a couple of those flies go in a different little bit different direction. Well, each individual fly that's going a different direction is a completely separate reality in relation to where I am at right now. So billions of parallel realities are around us that we are constantly shifting through. It's just that we can only perceive of the realities that are equal to our own vibration.

Like quantum physics and sciences shows us anyways is our brain can only pick up on so much information. What happens is our mind tones out a majority of the information around us to the information that is relatable, that is relevant to us....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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