
Human rights and Responsibilities and Rights in Society, Training by RYA

Human rights and Responsibilities and Rights in Society, Training by RYA Topic: Introduction to Right and Responsibility
By. Rohingya Youth Association (RYA)
Citizen: means to be member of a group and community. We usually think of citizenship to a nation but there are others way to be a citizen. You can be a citizen of the community in this camp.
Think right and responsibility around citizen creating a mind map. There are two kinds of rights: legal and moral rights. Legal rights are right that are protected by laws. Moral rights are rules about what you should and shouldn't be allowed to do and to have. Moral rights exist according to our ideas of what is right and wrong. The declaration describes human rights as: (1. Universal: they are the rights of all people, from birth.(2. Inalienable: People can't ever lose these rights.(3. Indivisible: different rights cannot be separated from each other. UDHR believes that everyone is born in equal rights but in reality, not all people agree that the rights in UDHR are universal and the same for people. In UDHR there have three categories of rights (1. Civil and political rights (2. Economic, social and cultural rights (3. Devolpemental and environmental right.


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