Chief Guest address by Nitin Jairam Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Government of India at the #ETAutoNGVC, where he said, it is high time India should develop cost-effective, pollution-free and indigenous fuel option. He also highlighted that with the increased production of ethanol, the government is aiming to cut down Rs 1 lakh crore in crude imports and invest in agriculture to create jobs. At present India is spending close to Rs 7 lakh crore (20 per cent of the overall budget) on the import of crude oil that pose a monetary as well as a strategic burden on the Indian economy.
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#ETAutoNGVC,Natural Gas Vehicle Conclave 2019,ETAuto Natural Gas Vehicle Conclave 2019,Hon'ble Minister for Road Transport and Highways,Government of India,Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari,