
Is Christianity more practical in comparison to Judaism? | Derek Uejo

Is Christianity more practical in comparison to Judaism? | Derek Uejo In this interview, I discuss the following questions with Derek Uejo, a graduate of Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University and a fellow at the John Jay Institute in Pennsylvania. For more information read the description below:

1. How did you get interested in thinking about issues related to the relationship between the New Testament, Judaism, Christianity, and the Old Testament?

2. As a student of Christian Theology do you see any stark break between the Old Testament and the New Testament?

3. Do you think that the New Testament is fundamentally an extension of the Ideas of the Old Testament or do you see something completely new and different taking place in the New Testament?

4. Is Christianity a sect of Judaism?

5. How Jewish is Christianity?

6. What would you say to the people who claim that Christians have nothing to do with the Old Testament? I know there are some very influential people who even suggest that we should get away with the Old Testament. What are your thoughts on this?

7. Some biblical scholars have claimed that in order for us to understand the relationship between Christianity and Judaism, we need to first erase Martin Luther’s understanding of Judaism. What are they exactly encouraging? What do you think of this idea?

8. What would you say to a person who thinks Christianity is only a belief system based on the New Testament and has nothing to do with the Old Testament?

About Derek Uejo:
Derek Uejo is a graduate of the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University in La Mirada, CA. Although Derek is formally trained to engage in the subject of Political Science, Derek arranged his coursework to focus on theology, ethics, and biblical studies. He is also a member of Pi Sigma Alpha and the national political science honors society. He is currently a fellow at the John Jay Institute in Pennsylvania. Derek’s academic interests are in reading and discussing political theology, philosophy, natural law, and history. Additionally, in his free time, Derek enjoys bouldering at his local rock-climbing gym, reading and discussing theology, going on road-trips, drinking a good tea, hiking, and watching movies. Following his time at the John Jay Institute, Derek hopes to continue his studies with an M.T.S. degree in New Testament and Early Christianity.

About Post Scrutinium Lux:
Post Scrutinium Lux are Latin words for "After scrutiny, Light". The name itself explains what you can expect here. The flag that I raise at Post Scrutinium Lux is "Post scrutinium, Lux. Post lux, Veritas" meaning "After scrutiny, Light. After the light, truth". Here you will find discussions on all kinds of ideas related to life, philosophy, and theology. I am aware that human reasoning faculties and skills are capable of error. Therefore, the conclusions at Post Scrutinium Lux are always subject to improvisation in light of new discoveries.

About Jabran:
Jabran “Jerry” is the founder and host of Post Scrutinium Lux. He is formally trained as a theologian and biblical exegete. Currently, he is working on finishing his graduate work in philosophy. Being fed up with the negative attitude of mainstream Christianity towards skepticism, Jabran decided to start Post Scrutinium Lux; a place where ideas can be heard, appreciated and made available to all. He is also a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and Evangelical Philosophical Society.

Note: The ideas and answers given during the interview reflect the views of the individual speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views of Post Scrutinium Lux.

Theology,apologetic,systematic theology,interviews,Christianity,philosophy,skepticism,atheism,politics,ethics,moral philosophy,Judaism,Old Testament,New Testament,Christianity vs Judaism,

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