
Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar: The Quran Encourages Offensive Jihad by Means of Force

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar: The Quran Encourages Offensive Jihad by Means of Force Kuwaiti Islamic scholar Sheikh Muhammad Hammoud Al-Najdi said in a show that aired between July 3 – 11, 2019 on Al-Ma’ali TV (Kuwait) that offensive Jihad is a concept that exists in Islam even though some people deny its existence. He cited several Quranic verses, including ones that urge Muslims to fight and subdue non-believers until they pay a poll tax or accept Islam. He explained that this means shooting the enemy with arrows, missiles, and so forth, and that Allah provides for the Islamic nation through Jihad by giving them spoils of war, property, and land. Sheikh Al-Najdi also said that one of the purposes of Jihad is to break the power of the infidels and humiliate them. He added: “Allah tortures [the infidels] at the hands of the believers.”


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