
Proof Guy McPherson is correct

Proof Guy McPherson is correct I think my mentor and Hero Guy McPherson would agree this is proof “the Klathrate gun is firing”

(I hope, if you’ve gotten this far, if you know who Guy McPherson is, then you know methane is 26 - 102 times worse for the climate than CO2)

We recently found out Siberian permafrost is much deeper than anyone ever imagined and that it’s melting; and now we have these holes 100 yards across. Many holes 100 yards across with vast reservoirs of pressurized methane gas explosively escaping after the ice plug (pingo) melts completely one year! this story is five years old already! That was 10 giant football sized holes five years ago I wonder how many more there have been since the story was first reported five years ago. We knew about the leaky methane Wells we knew about the bubbles from the melting Northern and Southern Lakes.
We didn’t know that huge underground caverns containing vast reservoirs of pressurized methane was venting into the atmosphere. I mean it does happen from time to time when they’re fracking and drilling for methane it often escapes into the atmosphere but now it’s happening because of climate change! not because of drilling. Another Feedback loop Mr. McPherson. Add that to your list.
Instead of re-freezing and melting every year the pingo melts completely which causes a blowout, releasing huge amounts of methane into the air which accelerates global warming which causes more pingos to melt and yet more permafrost melts
releasing more methane into the atmosphere.
I thought this methane had to be dug out of the ground by drilling or fracking I didn’t know that melting ice would release a cavern like this! who’s idea was it to put a pingo over these giant caverns full of pressurized methane?

Take a look at a graph of recent atmospheric methane parts per billion and see it shooting up recently. This is the part of the narrative where the food chain collapses because of drastic and sudden climate change.
It looks like we’ve turned our planet into Venus; and we’re moving out of the habitable zone. Good job human race

Why is it whenever news about climate change comes out it’s always like 100 times worse than anyone could’ve ever imagined it and it’s happening way sooner than anyone predicted? Except for Guy McPherson who looks right on target for no human alive by 2030

I guess it’s going to be dustbowl Chapter 2 soon

Try growing food when there’s a drought and then when it does rain it rains way too much and then there’s a flood and then there’s a fire and then there’s a hurricane.

I can’t believe my pain is connected to bad weather and that’s how the world is going to end! The irony!

Some people deny climate change because they’re so religious. Well here’s a good argument for that group of people:
what’s the word for messenger from God?
What if God put Guy McPherson on earth to tell us something? What’s the word ? isn’t that word Messiah?
If they don’t believe you just tell them that Yamal means “the end of the world” and Guy McPherson was right!
when they said Siberia has become a giant gas leak that’s kind of what we were warned about

Next time someone tells me that climate change isn’t real because God would never let that happen I’m going to tell them the world is ending and guy McPherson is the Messiah!
OK the word is Prophet!

If you’ve seen any of Guy McPhersons lectures then this video should give you chills. the show is for entertainment purposes. it’s not about climate change or the end of the world. and that’s why it’s not presented as the end of the world but that’s what it is

I’ve got an idea to capture vast quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere immediately. Every 90 days starting now, have about 4 billion people plant one hempseed outdoors. Then repeat that every three months.
Slightly less often if there’s winter where you live.
Can we paint every rooftop in the world white also?
Back in the 50s civil defense said paint your house white so it wont catch fire after a nuke and you’ll be fine
Isn’t this a more realistic problem?

I see it now aliens are going to land on this planet thousands of years from now and they’re going to find likehundreds of these holes and they’re going to figure out what happened to the people that lived in the cities here because there won’t be anyone left.

You may ask what makes Guy McPherson my hero
It’s not just that he’s the only one willing to wear a sign around times square that says “the end of the world is Nigh!”

But also because he’s a genius that no one listens to, just like me.
I mean, we hear him, but no one listens.

Full lecture, 2019, with forewarning


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