
Questioning BBC Question time Fundamentalist|Radical Muslims or simply faithful Muslims to Islam?

Questioning BBC Question time Fundamentalist|Radical Muslims or simply faithful Muslims to Islam? Video response to the bias and the political correctness propagated by the B.B.C defending many controversial lies one being the Quran and the rights of Muslims at the expense of Christians rights and speaking the truth and any speaking up truthfully.

If a person with rotten teeth goes to see a dentist pointing out all their good parts the dentist is less concerned about repairing the non-rotten bits but the rotten, If someone is pulled over by the police for speeding or driving recklessly they couldn't care less if it was pointed out all the times the person drove safely but would be concerned for the offence since no one is rewarded for doing the right thing regarding driving on the roads, it is expected lawfully for the well being of all road users and pedestrians, yet when Islam is mentioned or the bad points of immigration or Brexit or Abortion or homosexuality for example, then where slammed and snarled at and exposed to this divisive rhetoric and the good bits are pointed out completely dismissing the rotten whole of the problem and these lies and controversy's are all defended falsely in this way and by this method.

Islam's authority mainly comes from the Koran/Quran which clearly states it is justified for Muslims to lie and to kill Christians and Jews for the purpose of Islam and Allah, The head of the body of all Muslims, The Quran represents all Muslims, Muslims do not necessarily represent the Quran faithfully, which could be honestly said about all faiths.

Whether Muslims are bracketed fundamentalist or extremest, Radical then these Muslims are being faithful to their word and their word is the Quran, Muslims are being dishonest about the interpretation of the Quran, they are either deceived or wilfully lying or to scared to speak out openly regarding the truth of the matter, Islam means surrender, surrender to the pagan moon idol deity Allah or else! Not all Muslims are terrorists but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims faithful to the teachings of the Quran and paying their jihad dues to their faith, these Muslim men are deceitful and proud and true to the word they hold to, not all Muslims are like this but they do not represent Islam and Jihad faithfully who are generally good hearted but naive and who interpret the Quran liberally to their own imaginations and beliefs which is not Islam as taught by the Quran, Muhammad or the false god Allah.

It has a murderous bloody history and it hasn't changed, it is anti Semitic and anti Christ, yet nothing is ever said in the Torah believing Jews or the bible believing Christians defence, hypocrisy and lies and Islam is rooted in ancient mystical Babylon with her secret societies and which are run by the leaders of these who are the heads and priests of Islam, The Quran is not open for private interpretation just like the Holy Bible, the Quran was dictated by a gnostic false prophet Muhammed which all Muslims are bound to and the word given by him, the Holy Word in the Bible is solely inspired by God given by God from Heaven through His Word to be penned by man and Islam is simply to counteract the truth by a fabrication of the truth which is anti or instead of the truth, its a lie and a divisive tool of deception and one of political intrigue against Christians and Jews, those who sincerely hold to the divine authority preserved in the Holy Bible, The Word of God given by Jesus Christ The Lord and The true and only living God, The Quran is the unholy bible given by Satan to a false prophet to simply deceive as the Devil does.

The B.B.C and all other mainstream broadcasters are pro Islam including the UK's politicians and press who allow and protect this conspiratorial power and fail dismally to speak out against it and deal with the problem lawfully and justly who are quite happy to jump upon and walk all over any citizen or group speaking for the truth to protect this controversial divisive religious machination and I suggest the hidden agenda tucked behind it, these are Anti-Christ and a law unto themselves, spineless cowards which ends seem to justify their means allowing and tolerating murder in the name of a false religion to profit their own vain ambitions, Muslims receive more favour than our own armed services, Why is this do you think?

B.B.C,Question time,Fiona Bruce,Question time in Hull 5/12/19,Islamic extremism,Islamic fundamentalism,Muslim extremism,Islam,Quran,Koran,Islamic terrorism,Conspiracies,Fake news on the BBC,All seeing eye cult,Mystery Babylon,propoganda,Anti semitism,Anti Christ,Bibliaphobia,Oneness movement,One world conspiracy,666,Devils kingdom,Muhammed,Jesuits,Terrorism,Jihadists,Automatic release,London bridge terrorist murders,heresy,false religion,Radical Islam,

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