
Trump urges Russia to help ensure North Korea's denuclearization: White House

Trump urges Russia to help ensure North Korea's denuclearization: White House 백악관 "트럼프, 러 외무 만나 北비핵화 美노력 지지 촉구"

With heightened tensions between Pyeongyang and Washington,.... the U.S. is now pressing Russia to lend a helping hand in denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
But Moscow's top diplomat says... North Korea and the U.S. need to take reciprocal steps to move forward.
Kan Hyeong-woo reports.

U.S. President Donald Trump has urged Russia to support Washington's efforts to ensure North Korea abandons its nuclear weapons.
That's according to a White House readout after the U.S. leader met on Tuesday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the Oval Office.
Earlier in the day, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held a press conference with his Russian counterpart...and expressed how unfazed Washington is about the stalled talks despite the North's recent missile tests.
"As for our expectations with respect to North Korea's behavior, I think President Trump's been unambiguous about our expectation that Chairman Kim personally made the commitment to denuclearize, so there wouldn't be long range missile tests, nuclear tests. All of those are commitments that we are very hopeful that the North Koreans will continue to abide by."
Pompeo said Washington continues to look for ways to communicate with the North to negotiate a path toward denuclearization.
The top U.S. diplomat added...both the U.S. and Russia are determined to help the North Koreans get there so they can have "the brighter future" that President Trump has spoken about so often.
But Lavrov called for reciprocal steps by Washington and Pyeongyang to make progress...saying denuclearization negotiations cannot be lopsided.
"I have said that before, and I will say it again, it is not realistic to expect North Korea to do everything that the U.S. wants them to do."
The U.S. and Russia are both veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council...meaning they can prevent the adoption of any "substantive" resolution against North Korea.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News.

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