
《龙腾虎跃》 A Well Matched Fight

《龙腾虎跃》 A Well Matched Fight 《龙腾虎跃》曲是击乐演奏家李民雄为打击乐于乐队所创作一首乐曲。乐曲情绪炽热,民族风格浓厚,被誉为名曲,乐曲主题以浙东锣鼓《龙头龙尾》的音调为素材加工而成。作者以独特的构思,巧妙地选用鼓乐合奏的新形式,谱写了鼓群表演的长大段落。其中领奏于合奏相间,以及各种不同鼓的音色和节奏的多样组合,经过富有激情的演奏,渲染了气势壮阔的群众欢腾场面。乐曲的最后部分,主题旋律于鼓声交相奏鸣,震撼人心,表现了人民龙腾虎跃,奋勇前进的风貌。

A well-known woodwind and percussion piece well identified for its vigor and richness in folk flavors. The composer made use of a distinctive and unique style to bring fourth a striking combination of percussion instruments. Audience will be able to hear the drums and gongs echoing each other like a well-matched fight between the dragon and tiger.

龙腾虎跃,A Well Matched Fight,唢呐,笛子,笙,打击乐,吹打乐,回响,传统,suona,dizi,sheng,percussion,chinese wind percussion,chinese orchestra,ensemble,华乐,龙,龙腾,虎,long teng hu yue,

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