
You Can't Save the World, If You Are Never Born!

You Can't Save the World, If You Are Never Born! CHRIST IS LORD!

When we get beyond the shopping, the wonderful gifts, the gifts we’re happy included a gift receipt, the cheerful songs and the sacred ones, the feast, the spirits and the merriments, the bottom line is that which was simply stated by my pastor, Pastor Don: Jesus Christ is Lord. Our Savior, Redeemer and King.

It doesn’t happen automatically. It’s a choice. It goes against our desire to be in charge, and be important. It calls us to service and humility.

It sounds like a sacrifice but its rewards are not just in Heaven. Some folks these days believe that the big government has to take away the guns that are killing people, to remove the means that bring that violence, but, in criminal law, there is both an actus reus and a mens rea. If you accept Christ as your Lord, Paul says that you are a new being, the old is gone and the new has come. In that holy transfiguration, the mens rea, or state of mind, has to change because, if you have made your decision for Christ, you have to surrender to His will, and God has commanded that thou shalt not kill. I If you accept Jesus Christ as Lord, you are commanded to love even your enemy, but, apparently, preaching about morality, Congressman Don Beyer and House Democrats have some great doubts about the Power of an Ominopotent God.

Most recently, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the position that it is an evolved man who has given us rights that even the deist Thomas Jefferson said were endowed by "the Creator." And, seeking some utopian society, divorced from the "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them," Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders for President 2020 want us to believe that those men, who probably had a war counsel in a primordial state of nature, where life was "solitary, nasty, brutish and short," only after creating armies over those who they had subjagated into slaves or conscripted as soldiers to ensure their security,and they posit that the evolved descendants of these brutish men are going to create a just society. Well, utopia never worked out in any book I read, but perhaps that book is still on the bookshelf of books that Don Beyer has not read yet, but promises every voter in VA 8th Congressional District Democratic Committee who have given him over $700k to date for a campaign to stop Donald J. Trump to which he has not yet donated one reportable dime, it is there and shall become a reality someday.

Definitely not supported by any faith or science I know, but, y'all are highly educated and enlightened, right?


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