
Apostolate Jesus 54 - Why is it urgent to understand the teaching of Jesus?

Apostolate Jesus 54 - Why is it urgent to understand the teaching of Jesus?
Why is it urgent to understand this teaching of Jesus? And in particular to try to understand it as long as one is in good health, that one is young, that one is in the time of the study. Well, for several reasons. The first concerns the time of our earthly life.
This time is not always going to be happy. There is a certain moment when the hour of misfortunes arrives. We can lose someone who is dear to us, we can be unemployed, we can have an illness and when the years that we don't like happen, if we haven't thought long and hard about the meaning of suffering that fall, like a thief, so we do not have the capacity to confront with a light that says that it has a meaning, that it has a direction, that prepares us for eternal life. We don't have the capacity to live it like that and then we say: “Why, Lord, is this happening to me?” And we don't understand anything.
The fact of not understanding anything will save us, because we know despair deeply and because despair creates humble hearts; but all the same, when you have a little light, because you prepared for it during your youth, the cross is lighter to carry.
Second reason, it concerns the very moment of our death, when we will see, in our death, Christ return with his saints and his angels. Saint Paul to the Thessalonians specifies it in chapter 5, verse 2: “He will return like a thief, you know it.” His day comes like a thief, that means quickly, whereas one would not expect it. One evening we will go to bed and maybe in the middle of the night, and all of a sudden we will wake up with Christ before us and the saints and the angels. You will have to understand that day that you died. We are in the passage of death.
What happens if you haven't understood your message before, preparing for it all your life and also if you haven't lived as best you can? Then, at the vision of Christ, we will discover who we are and we will be surprised, if we have not thought about it. We will be surprised to see how poor we are sinners. We will discover things that we did not know, that the most generous often loved the Lord only because he balanced their lives. This is how we are and therefore, if all our life, we understood the message of Christ who wants us humble, repentant, - "Repent you said he, confess your sins!" And two essential things are missing , with this effort to acquire the virtues and if we do not have these two essential things, the surprise is total.
People in danger are those who believe they are someone, who believe they have done something good for the Lord. The people who are ready, are the ones who have looked at their whole lives to see that they are no better than prostitutes and sinners.
Little Thérèse said it: “I didn't prostitute myself because I had good parents!” She was right. But if we arrive on our knees, therefore all humble, with this will to love at best, when the demon confronts us he will say: "You have been selfish here!" And he will only say truths.
So naturally we will turn to the Lord saying: "You know that I did nothing for you, I did everything for myself, but have mercy on me!" And then he will take us to his kingdom because 'He comes for the poor sinners, those who have a humble heart.
As for the proud, they are the ones who will then face purgatory.

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