
Bathroom and Toilet Wall Prep → お風呂・トイレの壁の地

Bathroom and Toilet Wall Prep → お風呂・トイレの壁の地 $1000 Japanese House Renovation → 10万円古民家のリフォーム

We bought this house for ¥100,000 overgrown with weeds, overflowing with rubbish and a hole in the roof. We couldn't even get into the house to through the main door (there was sand up to waist high) so had to climb it through an open window. Cleaning and throwing out rubbish alone took a couple of months. Demolishing a part of the house, replacing a couple of pillars, windows and the outside walls we did last year. This series of videos starts with renovating the inside of this house. Our main job was a fashion label so we are total amateurs (only started this kind of work as a hobby a year ago). Apart from the electrician and plumber there are no other hired help, as we are trying to keep the cost as low as possible.

Budget: Plumbing (¥935,000), Electrician (¥315,370), Materials (¥863,826)
Starting Date of Construction : 17th December 2019
Finishing Date of Construction: 31st March 2020

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予算:水道・下水工事(¥935,000), 電気工事 (¥315,370), 材料 (¥863,826)
工事最初日 : 2019年12月17日
工事最終日: 2020年3月31日



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