
Be Aware Of Toxic Employees! They Have No Place In Your Business | Straight Talk with Lou Mosca

Be Aware Of Toxic Employees! They Have No Place In Your Business | Straight Talk with Lou Mosca Read the full article on Entrepreneur:

I came across an article on Entrepreneur where author Peter Daisyme listed five tips on turning around stressful relationships.

Daisyme says you should cultivate compassion, find common ground with your employees, set boundaries, et cetera.

I have a fundamental belief that owners and senior management should treat others with kindness and compassion; stick to the “Golden Rule” of treating others the way you want to be treated.

Now, toxic employees are a little different.

There’s no way you can ‘untoxic’ toxic people.

It’s virtually impossible…

Forget that, it is impossible!

If your organization has toxic employees, the only solution I see fit is to open your doors and let them go.

You should be kind and be a great listener and teacher, but if all else fails, get them the hell out of your building.

Immediately, if not sooner!

If you need help with ridding your business of bad apples, schedule a call with me at (800) 743-0410.

Straight Talk with Lou Mosca (January 7, 2020)

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