
Is forest fire a necessary EVIL ?

Is forest fire a necessary EVIL ? Every year it seems like there’s another disastrous wildfire in the American West. In 2018, nearly 9 million acres were burned in the US alone. Uncontrolled fires often started accidentally by people, rampage and decimate forests.
For most people, forest fire is synonymous with disaster. But there are some kinds of forest fires that actually benefit the environment.
Fire removes low-growing underbrush, cleans the forest floor of debris, opens it up to sunlight, and nourishes the soil. Reducing this competition for nutrients allows established trees to grow stronger and healthier.
Clearing brush from the forest floor with low-intensity flames can help prevent large damaging wildfires that spread out of control and completely destroy forests. Under optimum conditions, when wildfires do start, the result is a low-intensity fire that remains on the ground burning grasses and vegetation, but causing less damage to trees.
Wildlands provide habitat and shelter to forest animals and birds. Fire clears wildlands of heavy brush, leaving room for new grasses, herbs and regenerated shrubs that provide food and habitat for many wildlife species. When fire removes a thick stand of shrubs, the water supply is increased. With fewer plants absorbing water, streams are fuller, benefiting other types of plants and animals.
More trees die each year from insect infestation and disease than from fire. Many forests struggle against diseases such as pitch canker and bark beetle infestations – pests that destroy the part of the tree that delivers nutrients to the roots, leaves, and needles.
Like anything else, moderation is key. Wildfires when necessary and in moderation are vital to the health and survival of our forests. Some things to remember:

–Fire suppression can result in longer fire return intervals and increases in the amount of fuel available for the next fire.

–Fuel treatments: mechanical and prescribed fire.

–Changes in the vegetation: non-native species, insects, disease, (CalFire)

Stay tuned for the sequel to this blog, "How Does Land Recover After a Wildfire."

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