
N. Korea vows 'long struggle' to achieve prosperity on its own

N. Korea vows 'long struggle' to achieve prosperity on its own 北, 4일째 노동당 전원회의 지속... "주체적 힘으로 자력부강 실현"

North Korea's ruling party central committee meeting is well into its fourth day today... and during it, the regime's leader Kim Jong-un has hinted that the North is preparing to endure international sanctions.
Oh Jung-hee starts us off.
North Korea doesn't seem to be expecting much out of its nuclear talks with the U.S. but is instead preparing to withstand prolonged international sanctions.
On Tuesday, Pyeongyang's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported that the plenary session of the ruling Workers' Party central committee was held for a third day on Monday.
Making his report to the party, Kim Jong-un laid out a number of tasks.
These include straightening out the regime's economic system... and promoting science, education and public health.
Noteworthy is how Kim emphasized the need to prepare (quote)"positive and offensive political, diplomatic and military countermeasures" to ensure the regime's sovereignty and security.
According to the North Korean report, Kim said the ruling party is determined to go once again on a "long and painful struggle."
Kim's main point was that the regime should achieve power and prosperity through independent, self-driven action.
Analysts see these statements as showing that Pyeongyang has lowered its expectations for better relations with Seoul and Washington.
They say, the North, from now on, will focus on achieving economic development on its own and enduring the sanctions.
Meanwhile, North Korea's ruling party gathering is continuing for a fourth day on Tuesday.
It's the first time since Kim Jong-un rose to power in 2012 that the meeting has lasted multiple days.
The gathering is deemed important because it decides the North's future policy directions, and the specific outcomes are likely to be unveiled when Kim Jong-un makes his New Year's Address on Wednesday, January 1st.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

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