
NOT my tree What does one do to protect property from Tree cutters poor choice? Advice please.

NOT my tree What does one do to protect property from Tree cutters poor choice? Advice please. Not my tree. Tree cutters poor choices has me in a situation. How does one protect their property? Feel free to comment.

1. This was not my tree.

2. When I saw the heavy equipment to be used I asked everyone to stay off my property and out of my yard because our drain field had been replaced, I did not want the weight on my system and my septic system was very close to where they would be working, to please contain the tree removal to the property owners yard who hired them.

Point for all out there in business.
*When someone asks you to stay off their property just do it. You should stay off of others property anyway but You cannot be held responsible for any damages if you were never there !!!
What should I do?
This video (you may need to slow the speed or back it up to see beginning clearer) a large tree section is already on the ground in my front yard, and another section clearly just CUT in the direction of my house crashing with nothing to guide or slow its free fall. The large section of live oak cut crashes down behind the live oak section already on the ground. I mention live because dead tree weighs much less. These heavy falling sections fell over a portion of my drain field and some landed on the top of my septic tank. I believe the section being cut seen in the video could have caused the crack through my concrete septic cover and the dislodging and fall of my septic baffles. Then the Kubota clearly drives onto my property to pick up these heavy sections. What you don’t see in the video is the Kubota pushing these sections forward and tilt off the ground when trying to pick up these sections. keep in mind when the Kubota backs out of my yard it is loaded with tree and even heavier going out then when in drove in.

I tried to be professional and friendly - do the nice thing - reach out to this company to discuss the situation of my failing drain field and septic damage. So far no replies to questions asked of his insurance coverage, and the mail address on file forwarding expired.
I now have to contend with trying to communicate with an individual that so far has not shown me a professional side and I have witnessed how hostile this company owner can be.

So do I cower and ignore this behavior because I am afraid of what may come from speaking of my experience Or Do I post my experience to warn others? I worry what he may do to someones house as many like me are average people. We have enough of our own debt and now I have more added on because this crew shall we say violated my space and property. Damage by these companies is not covered by home owners insurance. I chose to post my experience to warn others. To be civil I edited tree service video to try and remove vehicles which could be recognized by others.

Tree guy. This is a small community and I have been here a long time. This post is true and it’s not talking shit about your company - it's warning others to beware. My experience with your company, and in my opinion un professional manner on that day, are backed up with video. I should and can post your company name with this video but I still have a small amount of compassion for the inexperienced. Show a better business attitude and Make this right - take responsibility and I will update this post to show you took responsibility for your lapse in judgement on that day. In the meanwhile.

I don’t need to grow a pair. I stand by my actions. I am not talking trash about your company it is truth, and I will say this all to your face. Make sure if you come to my door you bring a check, be polite, and respectful because I don’t do hostile and sheriffs live seconds away.

My experience you acted in an unprofessional manner, you did not bring the appropriate equipment to contain this tree removal to the property of those who hired you. My request to stay off my property and out of my yard was disregarded which is Trespassing. My drain field is failing and damage to the septic itself is noted. In hind sight I should have called the sheriff, and had you all removed from my yard for trespassing but then I'd be stuck with your mess and the expense to have it cleared and removed.

Tree Guy If you are reading this you know who you are. I hope you chose to be a responsible human - do the right thing. I'd like to offer a suggestion. To remain in business and earn respect - act like it - actions speak louder of a persons character. Those are the people who stay in business for years to come.

People make bad choices, it is the choices they make after that define and can make or break a business.


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