
Outsider (Even When I'm In) by Michele Barton Thomas © 2019 (original)

Outsider (Even When I'm In) by Michele Barton Thomas © 2019 (original) I know most of my songwriting friends and subscribers don’t care about YT drama, but hey, I got a song out of it and I know you can appreciate that, so feel free to stop reading this description and enjoy the song. For anyone who is interested in where this song came from, read my comment pinned to the top of the page. It is too long to put in the description.

Outsider (Even When I'm In)

I’m an outsider, even when I’m in
I won’t toe the line or put up with your spin
Sycophants surround you, always kissing on your ass
Ignoring all the lunacy and giving you a pass
Go fuck yourself, go fuck yourself

Most every thing eventually fully runs it course
Makes me wonder why I ever publicly endorsed
‘Cause bottom line, people suck and always let you down
And when you call them on their bullshit, then they don’t want you around
They can go fuck themselves, go fuck themselves

I should have kept my mouth shut and just watch the crazy show
But the crap that I was seeing wasn’t easy to let go
You’re really good at spouting off but can’t take the pushback
You’re overly emotional and really out of whack
Go fuck yourself, go fuck yourself

Your lack of self-awareness is astounding and shines bright
You never self-examine ‘cause you think you’re always right
Arrogant and obstinate and greatly immature
Hide behind the grace of God while actin’ like a jerk
You can go fuck yourself, go fuck yourself

I’m an outsider, even when I’m in
Can’t believe I lasted even as long as I did
It was a good run but now the bloom is off the rose
Now that I’m gone they can continue unopposed
And they can fuck themselves, go fuck themselves

Some of your words are irresponsible but you mix them up with truth
It saddens me to see your influence affect the youth
I guess they’d rather whine and moan and piss their lives away
And you give them permission almost every single day
You can go fuck yourself, you can go fuck yourself

What a little clicky club you’ve got goin' on
Alienating people who speak up and then are gone
Spouting unity and brother/sister fellowship
It really makes me laugh how you’re so full of shit
You can go fuck yourself, you can go fuck yourself

I wonder how much longer you can keep up your old schtick
I guess there’re always newbies who will think you’re pretty slick
More people are leaving quietly than you even know
But you’re too self-centered to see past your huge ego
You can go fuck yourself, go fuck yourself

I’m an outsider, even when I’m in
I won’t kiss the ass of the lecturing kingpin
His majesty expelled me, I wouldn’t bow before the throne
But I don’t give a shit, I’m not afraid to stand alone
They can go fuck themselves, go fuck yourself

written by Michele Barton Thomas © 2019

music,guitar,singer,folk,truth,tough love,go fuck yourself,fuck you,country,songwriter,hypocrite,

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