
19-0676 - Unlawful Detention - OIA request - info supplied and Scotts Fabrications and Lies

19-0676 - Unlawful Detention - OIA request - info supplied and Scotts Fabrications and Lies After filing an IPCA against an unlawful detention committed against me back on 29 August 2019, and then receiving appologies from Otahuhu Police, Manukau Counties Police and IPCA, i then request the CCTV Footage, Note made at the time and the Panic Merchant (dave's) Identification.

After a little email battle, and then supplying 2 forms of ID (1xphoto ID) and selfies as requested, i finally at the end of January 2020 receive what i requested, regardless of their attempts to not supply it.

Although Scott Dixon SDAI19 appeared at the time of the interaction to be pleasant and respectable, the notes made at the time which he created later, show him to be a fabricating liar.

At no time did i raise my voice, nor do i try to make NZP look uneducated and unprofessional..... they do this without my assistance, and if uneducated, WHY STATE ONLY SENIOR SARGENT OR HIGHER should deal with me, could it be because the lower ranks are NOT educated in what they are to enforce enough and could look UNEDUCATED.

What concerns me is that after speculating and flat out lying is that these "Notes made at the time" can be used in court proceedings against me, so thanks to Scotty, he can expect anothe IPCA complaint against his fabrication which IS A CRIME.

Wendy from records may need education on how to view an attached JPG to an email, as clearly her tech skills are lacking.

If Scott had been honest, this would not have to happen, so i guess he has that the look forward to.

cka mark otho keen,mark a man,PINAC,PINAC NZ,Question ?,SDAI19,Scott Dixon,Dave Readings,IPCA,Police Complaint,

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