
AdChoices in Canada - why you see the icon and how companies use it

AdChoices in Canada - why you see the icon and how companies use it AdChoices is a privacy notice that companies use on their online ads to let users know the ad is using data derived from their browsing interests.

The AdChoices self-regulatory program is a compliance program that organizations sign-up to, to be monitored independently and to strive for greater consumer control over the ads they run.

As users, we all have rights to understand who placed the ads we see. The AdChoices icon is your signal - your tool into the advertising ecosystem to learn more and opt-out of interest-based advertising.

This webinar was recorded on February 6, 2020 and is intended for companies looking to better understand the components of the program for the Canadian jurisdiction.

Ad targeting,behavioral advertising,behavioural ads,AdChoices,ad choices,webinar,ad tech,online advertising,

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