
From classroom to staff room: A special needs student finds focus | Matt Stumpf | TEDxUCLASalon

From classroom to staff room: A special needs student finds focus | Matt Stumpf | TEDxUCLASalon Matt Stumpf looks at the use of rhythmic movement with a partner as a method to develop concentration and address the needs of his special education students. Mr. Stumpf is a special education teacher in the MidWest. He regularly incorporates the use of martial arts and binary rhythmic motions from Kali (a Filipino Martial Art) to help teach concentration and self control to students. Mr. Stumpf has found that using binary rhythmic motions on a daily basis helps his students learn and remain more calm. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxTalks,English,Humanities,Mental health,Mindfulness,Movement,Sports,

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